Our duty for peace
It is everyone’s duty to reduce the existing causes of conflict and pursue harmonious coexistence.
After two devastating world wars, the United Nations was founded for the purpose of preventing war and maintaining international peace and security. Since then, many international instruments have been developed to ensure peace, and the global community recognized the need not only to prevent and prohibit armed conflict and violence but also to cooperate with each other. Still today, many factors such as interfaith conflict, ethnic hatred, and cultural prejudice are threatening peace.
The international community should work towards a comprehensive legal solution that can secure peace and protect the daily lives of all citizens regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or religion. By preparing a legal instrument that can ensure and maintain peace at the national and international levels, we can turn our world into a peaceful place.
HWPL is engaged in peace activities centered on the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) with the aim of establishing a legal framework for sustainable peace.